Opening a BICIM account (Professionals)

The Business Current Account (CAV) is used to hold the income of "Professional" customers. It is intended for all professional customers such as:
  • Companies: sole traders; SA; SARL; SARLU; SAS
  • Institutes: associations; committees; mutual societies; federations
  • New companies
For sole traders:
  • An application to open an account
  • A trade register less than 3 months old or a certificate of non-bankruptcy less than 3 months old
  • A lease agreement or a water, electricity or telephone bill in the company's name
  • List of persons authorised to operate the account
  • Proof of identification for each signatory and beneficial owner with a shareholding of 25% or more
  • 2 passport photos for each person
  • Proof of address for each person in their own name
  • A taxpayer account: tax identification number or patente (sole proprietorship)
  • The company's articles of association and the minutes of the general meeting appointing the manager(s) if these are not statutory (SARL/SA companies)
  • Identity document for the majority shareholder if he/she is not a proxy: valid national identity card, NINA card or passport.
For associations, committees, mutual societies and federations :
  • A letter requesting the opening of an account signed by the person authorised by the articles of association
  • The company's articles of association
  • Internal regulations
  • Receipt of declaration
  • Minutes of the General Meeting appointing the officers
  • List of persons authorised to operate the account
  • 2 photos of each person
  • An identity document for each person
  • Proof of address for each person
For new companies :
  • A letter from the notary opening the suspense account
  • The draft articles of association
  • A copy of the identity document of the directors and shareholders holding at least 25% of the capital
As a professional customer, you can subscribe to all the services offered by BICIM, such as :
  • Pack Pro
  • Pack Pro plus
  • Mobibank
  • AFG Mobile
  • SMS Bank
It is not possible to convert a personal account into a business account. In addition to opening a personal account, the relationship can open a business account, which is advisable for splitting up management.
YES! It is possible for an entrepreneur who has gone bankrupt or filed for bankruptcy to open a new account, provided that they are not banned from banking.
It is indeed possible to set up direct debits from customer accounts to the Business account.
YES! You can open a BICIM account for your company domiciled abroad by providing the supporting documents required to open the account.
At BICIM, you can open several accounts for your company, depending on your needs.
Once the account has been opened, the RIB is sent to you. The RIB is available on AFG Mobile for customers who subscribe.
At BICIM, opening a business account is free, but the bank requires an initial deposit of FCFA 100,000 after the account has been opened.
Deposits can be made by cash, bank transfer or cheque.
BICIM has set up a number of means of payment that allow you to withdraw money and pay for purchases
  • The cheque book: this is the basic means of payment that allows customers to pay for purchases (suppliers, retailers) and to withdraw money from all local branches.
  • Bank cards: you can use these to withdraw cash and, depending on the card, to pay for purchases.
  • Mobibank
No. A card is personalised to identify the holder who normally signs for the account.
BICIM has provided you with VISA cards that can be used in all BICIM ATMs and in all retailers equipped with an electronic payment terminal and affiliated to the Visa network. They can be used locally or internationally, and their withdrawal limits vary according to the cards chosen. Withdrawals are free of charge in the BICIM network and charged at other banks.
  • Green VISA classic card
  • Classic blue VISA card
  • VISA premier (GOLD) card
  • VISA Platinum card
Card usage limits vary depending on the card chosen: VISA classic GREEN card 
  • Withdrawal limit: 300,000 CFA francs/day and 500,000 CFA francs/week
  • Payment limit: 300,000 CFA francs/day and 500,000 CFA francs/week
VISA Classic BLUE card
  • Withdrawal limit: 700,000 FCFA/day and 1,000,000 FCFA/week
  • Payment limit: 700,000 FCFA/day and 1,000,000 FCFA/week
VISA Premier GOLD card
  • Withdrawal limit: FCFA 1,500,000/day and FCFA 2,500,000/week
  • Payment limit: FCFA 2,000,000/day and FCFA 3,000,000/week
VISA Platinum card :
  • Withdrawal limit: 2,500,000 FCFA/day and 5,000,000 FCFA/week
  • Payment limit: FCFA 3,000,000/day and FCFA 6,000,000/week
To change the limit on your VISA card, simply submit a limit change request to your account manager. You can request a chequebook on AFG Mobile or in agency from your account manager.